

از پست‌هاي قبلي معلوم است كه افتاده‌ام روي فيلم ديدن. اولويت را به فيلم‌هايي داده‌ام كه به خاطر شهرت‌شان رغبت نكرده بودم ببينمشان. خوب، اين بيماري قديمي من است.
ديشب راننده تاكسي اسكورسيزي را ديدم. قصه‌ي جواني (رابرت دنيرو) كه بعد از خدمت سربازيش در ويتنام، راننده‌ي تاكسي مي‌شود و يكسره شيفت شب كار مي‌كند. او پس از شكست در عشق خياليش، براي پركردن زندگي دست به خشونت مي‌زند.
فيلم پايان ابلهانه‌اي دارد. اما خوش ساخت است. سكانس گفتگوي دنيروي مستاصل با همكار كهنه‌كارش در يك خيابان پائين، به نظرم جالب بود. متن اصلي را اينجا كپي مي‌كنم (مي‌بخشيد كه ترجمه نمي‌كنم). گفتگو با پرسش دنيرو شروع مي‌شود.

-Can I talk to you for a second?

-I know you and I ain't talked too much, you know. But ... you've been around, so....
+Sure, that's why they call me the Wizard.

- I got... It's just that I got a.... I got a....
+Things got you down?

- Yeah, happens to the best of them. Yeah, they got me real down...real down. I just want to go out... and you know, really ... really ... really do something.
+Taxi life, you mean?


- Yeah ...No, it's.... I don't know... I just want to go out.... I really ... I really want to.... I got some bad ideas in my head ... I just ...
+ Look at it this way ... A man takes a job, and that job...you know, that becomes what he is. You know, like....you do a thing, and that's what you are. I've been a cabbie for 17 years. Ten years at night. And I still don't own my own cab. You know why? Because I don't want to. That must be what I want. To be on the night shift, driving somebody else's cab. You understand?
You get a job, you become the job. I mean ... One guy lives in Brooklyn, one guy lives in Sutton Place. You get a lawyer,  another guy's a doctor. Another guy dies, another guy gets well... you know ... and people are born. I envy you, your youth.
Go out and get laid. Get drunk ... you know ... Do anything. You got no choice, anyway. I mean, we're all f*cked. More or less ... you know ...


-I don't know. That's about the dumbest thing I ever heard of.
+It's not Bertrand Russell, but what do you want? I'm a cabbie ... you know .. I don't even know what the f*ck you're talking about.

- I don't know... maybe I don't know either.
+ Don't worry so much. Relax, killer, you're gonna be all right. I know. I've seen a lot of people...
...and I know.

- Okay. Thanks, man. Yes, you know...
+ You're all right... you're all right.

۳ نظر:

ناشناس گفت...

سلام.من اين فيلم را نديدم.اصولن اگر فيلم را درسينما نبينم، در تلويزيون کمتر موفق ميشم که انرا ببينم.هميشه يک کاری پيش مياد و نصفه و نيمه رهايش ميکنم.

ناشناس گفت...

سلام پی کولو
من چند شب پیش در جایی که ماهواره بود فیلمی دیدم که موضوعش زندگی ی بروس لی بود
Dragon: the Bruce Lee Story
دیشب هم فیلم هوش مصنوعی را گرفتم. هنوز ندیدم.
به نظرت از نظر علمی و فنی بین
چه تفاوت / تفاوتهایی هست؟
سیدعباس سیدمحمدی

ناشناس گفت...

salam picoloye bozorg
man bayad az shoma mazerat bekhaam, be in dalil ke bad az comment e shoma oon neveshte ro taghir dadam. rastesh be nazaram shirinkaari e oon neveshte ye meghdar ziaadi o tasan'noii bood. dar har haal, mamnoon