
یک بند مخنث

روایت من از منشور  حقوق آدمی یادتان است؟ خیلی وقت است می‌خواهم بندی به آن اضافه کنم. حالا می‌کنم:

- هر کس حق آزادی عدم بیان دارد.

هر آدمی باید بتواند رازهای مگو داشته باشد. خواه عشق‌های ابراز نشدنی باشد،‌خواه عدم اعلام سرسپردگی یا تابعیت. آدمی باید بتواند پناهگاه امنی در برابر هر کشش و قدرتی داشته باشد.

جایی که نمی‌توان یا نمی‌گذارند بیان کنی، باید بتوان بیان نکرد.


Et cetera, et cetera


The King and I - 1956

The King And I (1956)-3.avi_snapshot_19.17_[2010.01.06_18.31.32]

- So many English books l read introduce strange idea...
...of love, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

+You disapprove?

- But it is a silly complication of a pleasant simplicity.
   A woman is designed for pleasing man. That is all.
   A man is designed to be pleased by many women.

+ How do you explain the fact, Your Majesty...
    ...that many men remain faithful to one wife?

- They are sick.

+ But you do expect women to be faithful.


+Well, why naturally?

- Because it is natural.
   lt is like old Siamese rhyme:

   A girl must be like a blossom
   With honey for just one man
   A man must live like honey bee
   And gather all he can

   To fly from blossom to blossom
   A honey bee must be free
   But blossom must not ever fly
   From bee to bee to bee

+ Oh, Your Majesty, in my country we have a far different attitude.
    We believe that for a man to be truly happy...
    ...he must love one woman and one woman only.

- This idea was invented by woman.

+ But it's a beautiful idea, Your Majesty.
    ln England, we're brought up with it.


Apocalypse Now- 1979

 Apocalypse Now (1979) XviD.DVDRip.PiLFER.avi_snapshot_00.24.18_[2010.01.06_17.42.41]

At first, I thought they handed me the wrong dossier.
I couldn't believe they wanted this man dead.

Third generation
West Point,
top of his class,
Korea, Airborne,
about a thousand decorations,
et cetera, et cetera.


Henry & June - 1990

Henry n June (1990)

- There are 66 ways in which to make love.
+ Oh? Really?
- They will show you love in a taxi.
   Love when one of the partners is sleepy.
   Love in the street.
   Et cetera, et cetera.


Madagascar - 2005


Now, presenting your royal highness, the illustrious blah, blah, blah.
You know, et cetera, et cetera.
Hooray. Let's go.